Filipenses 1.20 is a verse that i keep going back to ever since i read it January 1st, 2009.
I like to just put the reference because I like to imagine people grabbing their Bibles to read the verse straight from the source.
My sister challenged me to make these next 2 lists in replace of a new years resolution.
What stirs my affections for Christ?
1. Being honest about who I am in Christ
2. Early mornings (alone) in the Bible and speaking with God
3. Being/talking/discussing with people that have the same desire for the Glory of God
4. Hillsong - This is Our God album
5. Being outdoors in the nature
6. Sharing my FAITH with others
7. Blue skies and the sun
What robs me of affection for Christ?
1. laziness or procrastination (too much sleep, internet, tv, or music)
3. pride
4. excessive time with certain people
5. not doing things that i "commit" to